Halloween Scary Story

In literacy we play a game, the game is first I started to write the story then passed my paper to another person to continue my story. So this is what my story end up with. Pleases enjoy reading it and listen.

As I carefully entered the haunted house the door shut behind me and the spooking ghostly sound enter into my mysterious body. I was standing still, tried not to make any sounds. As I walked in, I could barely see anything. I slowly stepped on the dead leaves as I tried to focus what’s in front of me. Suddenly, I heard a loud bang coming from my left without hesitation walked to see what is it. After a bang sounds slowly silence, then I ran back and forth like I was playing hide and seek. The true reason is that I was in my room walking, hitting the door and wall. I felt like my body was wet and my head was hurt. A moment later I glanced in the mirror, the light shone from the street of the road and reflect into the mirror. I saw the blood is all over my body. I said to myself that “Everything going to be okay”. I washed my head, but when I looked up I saw a shadow approaching me. Not long after it disappeared, followed by a malicious laughed coming out of nowhere. I wanted to escape. I tried to run to my parents’ room. It was useless. I ran and ran and ran but… I never approached the room. It’s somehow just an illusion. Not knowing what to do, I was panic. The sound was still haunting me none stop. I didn’t know what to do but sat down and just cried until I couldn’t breathe.

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