Greece and Rome

Round four of my essential I learned about Greece and Rome. This is my research paper answer this question. “Describe how Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome contributed to the modern world today in the areas of medicine, architecture, entertainment, and/or government. ” We do this assignment to improve the writing, research skills, and to gain knowledge about Rome and Greece civilization compares to current society. 


Ancient Rome grew from the small town on the Tigris River and encompassed most of continental Europe, Britain, much of western Asia, Northern Africa and the Mediterranean island. Ancient Greece is the birthplace of Western philosophy, literature, mathematics, history, drama, Olympics games, and democracy. The ancient civilizations of Rome and Greece were rich in culture and ideas. These two ancient civilizations made many contributions to the modern world especially in the areas of government, entertainment, and architecture.


The Ancient Rome created a code of laws that many nations still use today. Basic rules that the Romans developed to prevent a government from becoming too powerful was “people have right that no government can take away.” Another rule from Ancient Rome that modern world had today is that “judges must interpret the law and make the decision fairly.” Also to prevent someone from going to jail based on the rumor that he or she committed a crime “a person must be considered innocent until he or she is proven guilty”. The Ancient Greek city-state of Athens expected male citizens to help defend Athens in war. Pericles thought male citizens had an obligation to political participation. “We do not say that a man who takes no interest in politics is a man who minds his own business; we say that he has no business here at all.” It takes a different approach by recognizing that the precedent or tradition of male political participation was established along with the notion that women have no place in politics. The denial of women in politics is still a global issue today which demonstrates the lasting effect of these two civilizations.


The Ancient Greeks were the inventors of the Olympics. In document 2 it stated, “Ancient Greeks held athletic competitions every four years to honor their god.” The Olympic Games such as running, boxing, wrestling, cycling, chariot racing, etc. Some of the events in Olympics that the Ancient Greeks performed are still appear today. In the modern world Olympics are famous all over the world. There are so many sports and a lot of participants in both genders. This is because Olympic contests in Ancient Greeks they encourage women to join. So modern world also allow women to compete. One difference between the two contests is that Ancient Greek women wore more covered clothes, but the modern world women can wear the clothes that show their skin like the sport shorts, swimming suits, sleeveless shirts, etc.  


Ancient Romans and Greeks designed and invented an architecture such as roads and buildings in the ways that made our live better. Ancient Roman roads strengthen the empire by used to move soldiers quickly from area to area. Trader used roads to sell goods and food throughout the empire. In document 4 mentioned, “Romans built about 50, 000 miles of roads across the empire.” To built the roads Ancient Roman used paving stones, pebbles and Gravel, drainage ditch, and foundation large stones and sand.  Romans invented concrete stronger than today. Currently, in this world, there are a lot of strong roads that easy to travel. The influence of Ancient Roman, that roads have a lot of benefits to develop economy in the country. The materials that modern world used today similar to the materials that used during the Ancient Roman to make the roads strong. On the other hand, some of the structures used by the Ancient Greeks are still seen today in more modern buildings. The Ancient Greek architect contributions are temples, theatres, stadiums, and houses. We can compare the architectural styles to the famous buildings, for instance, the White House. Ancient Greek architecture accomplished highly formalized characteristics, both of structure and decoration.


In conclusion, ancient civilizations of Rome and Greece were strongly influence the modern world. If in the history didn’t have these two civilizations that contributed to the modern world, the architecture, entertainment (Olympic games),  government, culture, ideas are going to be completely different. The two civilizations contribute the modern world that makes the world better. These two civilizations have had on the modern world also impact our world. For instance, less women involve in politics and no women are fighting in war. Anyway, the Olympic games really inspired the world today, every country, nation, gender can participate to compete. These are only a part of the contribution from Ancient Greeks and Romans but there were so many more that help this world to improve and develop in positive direction.

Works Cited

“Ancient Greek Architecture.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 6 Apr. 2018,

Anonemuss. “9 Greek Influences and Contributions to Today’s Society.” Owlcation, Owlcation, 5 Apr. 2018,

“Greek Architecture.” Ancient History Encyclopedia,

“The Greek and Roman Influence over Modern America.” The Greek and Roman Influence over Modern America | Bartleby,

Reiner, Luke. “25 Facts about Ancient Greece ←FACTSlides→.” Ancient Greece Facts: 25 Facts about Ancient Greece ←FACTSlides→, FACTSlides, 11 Feb. 2018,

Wiltjer, Lucas. “Influence of Greek and Roman Societies on the Modern World.”, 24 May 2013,

Wiltjer, Lucas. “Influence of Greek and Roman Societies on the Modern World.”, 24 May 2013,

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