Khmer Literature

For this round in Khmer class, we focus on poems. We published our own poetry book. Last year, all the seniors wrote their own poems. So this year we want to gather all the poems and publish a book. In total, I got two poems, and be apart of the book publisher I helped to write the outline for each poem, and edit the Khmer writing. So we tried to finish our first draft, in order to bring our book to Khmer Literature Festival. Finally, we did it. We publish about 50 books, so we can sell and give out some to authors that participate in the festival. The book grammar and spelling weren’t perfect yet, but we tried our best to edit it after the festival.


So this is one of my poems.


អំពើហិង្សាក្នុងគ្រួសារ                              ផ្តល់នូវបញ្ហាចិត្តនិងកាយ

លែងលះគ្នាហើយអាងសោកស្តាយ        កូនរស់អត់ម្តាយអត់ឪពុក។

អំពើហិង្សាក្នុងសាលា                                ព្រោះរឿងស្នេហាកើតជាទុក្ខ

បណ្តាលឪ្យខូចអនាគត                            ជីវិតរលត់គ្មានខ្លឹមសារ។

អំពើហិង្សាក្នុងសង្គម                                 ជាតិមិនជួបជុំនាំបញ្ហា

ធ្លាក់ចុះសេដ្ឋកិច្ចនិងទីផ្សារ                       ខាតទាំងកិច្ចការផ្តល់ប្រយោជន៍។

អំពើហិង្សាលើផ្លូវចិត្ត                                 ពាក្យតែងតែផ្តិតឲ្យហិនហោច

ជេរប្រមាថដៀមដាមចិត្តខ្លោច              ប្រៀបដូចជាខ្មោចស្លាប់ចិន្តា។

អំពើហិង្សាលើផ្លូវកាយ                              រូបល្អប្រែក្លាយជាំកាយា

បាក់ដែបាក់ជើងឈាមបែកក្បាល         ដល់ក្ស័យសង្ខារនឹកស្តាយក្រោយ។

អំពើហិង្សាលើកុមារ                                   ចិត្តមិនខ្លាំងក្លាកម្លាំងខ្សោយ

ហៅរកអ្នកជួយគ្មានចម្លើយ                    សុំអ្នកម្តាយឆ្លើយជួយរូបកូន។

អំពើហិង្សាលើស្រ្តី                                       ជីវិតគ្មានន័យចំណុចសូូន្យ

ឈឺចិត្តឈឺកាយធ្ងន់ដូចក្បូន                  បន់ឲ្យបងប្អូនជួយដោះស្រាយ។

អំពើហិង្សាព្រោះក្រីក្រ                              ម្ហូបមានតែស្ករជាមួយបាយ

ចិត្តឆេះដូចភ្លើងក្តៅក្រហាយ                ធ្វើបាបអ្នកម្តាយដែលទ្រាំអត់។

អំពើហិង្សាព្រោះគ្រឿងស្រា                    បង្កើតបញ្ហាយ៉ាងជូរចត់

វាយប្រពន្ធកូនដល់កំសត់                     ស្ទើរស្លាប់ព្រោះហត់សម្ងំយំ។

ប្រឆាំងនិងអំពើហិង្សា                           គួរចូលសាលាទៅអប់រំ

គ្រួសាររស់នៅដោយជួបជុំ                     ដើម្បីសង្គមអភិវឌ្ឍន៍។

English Version 

Violence in the family gives mental and physical issues. Some families get divorce and regret later. Kids lost their parent (Mom and Dad).


Violence in schools because of the conflict of love. This is the way to destroy our future.


Violence in our own society makes the country breaks apart. Decrease economic and waste our time can’t do works that are important.


Violence affects mental health because people words can break our heart.


Violence physically, get injuries. Break the leg, break the arm, break the head some people can die.


Violence against children and women, make them feel frightened.


Violence because don’t have money. Children angry their parent because want to buy fancy supplies.


Violence because of drinking beer, torture their own kids and wife.


We all should fight against violence, need to go to school get an education to have a happy family and develop the economy.



How I Changed Cambodia (HICC) 2017-2018


Cambodia had unique lifestyle, amazing culture and unbelievable history (suffered and achievements). I want to share the stories of my country to tourists so they will leave Cambodia with notable stories and remarkable memories.  As a change agent, I do not wait for anyone to start, I am the one that starts to initiate the change in this developing country at the age of 15. These are my journeys in 2018: my team created a bike tour experience, conducted drugs prevention workshop, and Frisbee training project.  

This is the world of sharing; I contribute my knowledge because I believe in this sagacious quote, “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle” by Father James Keller.  

Cambodian culture had faded, sophisticated people were killed, the capital city was known as the ghost-city; this occurred because Cambodian were under manipulated and indoctrinated by the Khmer Rouge. The consequences made Cambodian economy and society broke down into pieces. Even though Cambodia is rapidly developed, but many flawed is everywhere.

Cambodia’s educated people had diminished day by day during the Khmer Rouge. Education system had been faded, but the Khmer Rouge got destroyed in 1979. Cambodia education system was slowly raised up. As an example, at Liger Leadership Academy are project-based-learning that involve student immersion in real-world experiences outside of the classroom called “Exploration”. Bike tour experience was one of Exploration; we started the bike tour experience called “Journeys of Change.” The idea of Journeys of Change is to learn how to establish a business, support local economies, train students about responsible tourism, provide cross-cultural experiences, and gain funds for the students’ future learning.  We’ve been through challenges, but our team overcomes everything that refrains us to make this bike tour successful. We try to make Cambodia become a better place.

As always, Liger students will find the flaws in Cambodia and try to prevent and make Cambodia a better place. We found out that drugs are one of the salient issues in Cambodia. The number of people uses drugs increase rapidly since 2000 based on, National Authority Combating drugs. We had eight people in our team, the age of 15 and 16 years old commit to preventing the use of drugs in Cambodia. We worked with eight high school students from World Renew.

Why did we work with high school students from World Renew?

The government school curriculum is completely different from our school. They mostly listen to the teacher, read the textbook, rewrite everything from the textbook, and undergo the test. The programs repeat like this, again and again, every day. This is boring but they can’t skip school and can’t reform the programs. All of the students had to study for 12 years until the final one-day exam.   

It seems like they didn’t have any experience to explore the real world. It seems like they have no experience with technology.  

We worked with World Renew students because as always we want to spread our knowledge. Essentially, we made the educated video about drugs, simultaneously we involved everyone from world renew to be in the film. I believe that by including them in the film it introduces the students to incorporate new experience. Moreover, most of them were shy in the camera, so it ushered them to be braver. Additionally, we taught them how to use computer and camera. Most importantly, we planned the workshop about drugs. We designed the workshop with world renew students. Our goal is to let world renew students gain knowledge from us and be able to create their own workshop in the future.   

We were conducting the workshop in four provinces: Prey Veng, Svay Rieng, Kampot, and Kampong Speu. In total, there were about 750 people participate in our workshop. About 300 people came to watch our educated video about drugs at night. Everyone loved watching our educated video because they saw their friends. I loved seeing every smile during the workshop. I hope everyone distributes the information to their friends and families!         


I spread what I learned because I want people to share what they learned from me as well. Everything I learned is from my experiences and opportunities I get from Liger Leadership Academy. I traveled to Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam for Frisbee competition. The question is: why am I so lucky to receive these opportunities? This is because the influence I got from my ecology facilitator. She introduced me the flat object that flies off her hands. I was so shocked and said, “It’s impossible!” I started throwing for years and I love it. The disc became my closest friend. This year my frisbee skills have been flourishing; I learned a lot from other frisbee players and coaches. I appreciate the sponsorships I got from Liger Leadership Academy and other sponsors. I need to give back my knowledge to other young Cambodian. They knew nothing about frisbee just like me 4 years ago. I want them to experience this modern sport that most Cambodian don’t know about it. My initial move is to introduce the training to the Camkids students in Kampong Speu province. Most importantly, we can offer them the opportunity to come to Phnom Penh (capital city) to train with us. Moreover, most of the kids never came to Phnom Penh before. I never feel that it is a waste of my time because I enjoy seeing their smile and the confidence when they threw the Frisbee.

It is meaningful to allocate our knowledge. As a change agent, it does matter because I believe in one quote from “Chinese proverb”: “You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime.” Also by sharing my knowledge and being a change agent, I had grown so much. I had grown to be more mature. I improved my public speaking. I gain more knowledge from everyone because knowledge is everywhere. I learned to confront all of my problems. Most importantly, I improve leadership skills! As a change agent, I will keep illuminating another candle. The knowledge I gain from my facilitators and friends I will try to spread to other as well. I want to make change in this country! I am the future of Cambodia!



Five years ago I saw my teacher threw the disc and it flew smoothly. But once I tried to throw, it flew like a wave. I said to myself “What is this thing? I can’t do it.” My teacher introduces it to me. I practiced a lot and I can see my improvement! That day I started to feel the passion of frisbee. I started to involve in many frisbee opportunities. I traveled a lot the past few years to compete Frisbee for my country. I went abroad to Philippine, Vietnam, and Malaysia. These opportunities I got from my couches and my school (Liger Leadership Academy). They give us the full scholarship to go abroad! The girls that went with me to play in foreign countries we really appreciate the opportunities.

As Liger students we got the opportunities so we want to give back. In Cambodia, only a few people know about Frisbee. Frisbee is the new sport in Cambodia to almost everyone. Camkids is the school in the rural area in Kampong Speu. Our girls made plans to do the Frisbee training at Camkids.

We spent our Sunday on the 6th June 2018, we went to Camkids to do the Frisbee training for 12 years old and higher kids. We taught them how to throw, strategies, how to play, most importantly we want them to enjoy the training. There are around 60 students came to the training. It is my pleasure to be apart of the this. I observe that everyone have so much fun and improve so much with their throws.

During the training, we had made mistakes and sometimes it was a bit unorganized. It is hard to lead 60 students since it is our first time, most importantly there is no adult to help us. We will take all of the mistakes and problems we had last time and improve the next time we go. We plan to do the training again next week. My frisbee team Bee-Force also wanted to select some of the girls from Camkids to join our team, and approximately, next time maybe some of them can go to play abroad with us.

Independent Discovery (Thai)

I am Cambodian and one of my neighbor countries is Thailand. The Thai language resembles to Cambodian and some words are the same. So I have an independent discovery just to learn Thai language. My main resource is Youtube. Since I love to travel so one of my goals is to travel to Thailand. I thought it would be great if I know how to speak Thai so I can easily communicate with them. I want to learn more languages but to start to want to learn Thai language first.  Right now I can understand a little bit of Thai but I can’t speak well. 

Here are some examples what I learned so far:

Telling time

Gii Moong what time? (day)

Gii Tum – what time? (Night )


Kun bpai tam-ngaan gii moong? What time do you go to work?

Kun ja bpai nawn gii tum? What time you will go to bed?

Dtawn-nii gii-moong laew? What time is it now? (day time)

Kun dtuen gii-moong? What time did you wake up?   

Muea-kuen bpai-tiao glap baan gii tum? What time did you come back home last night?




Chan sia-jai – I am sad.

Sia-jai rueang a-rai? What makes you sad?

Nawk-jai (cheat)

Pii ….. (name ) aat-ja nawk-jai chan. …. – (name ) might cheat on me.

Tam jai dii-dii gawn – control your emotion

Ao dtae jai – be self-centered

Tueng chan ja ao dtae jai, dtae chan gaw jing-jai na. – Although I’m self-centered, I am sincere.



Sydney Morning Herald News

On the weekend I woke up, and after I showered I check my social media. When I scroll down I saw Liger Leadership Academy post something. Then I kept continue scroll down then I realized who is that girl in the news? I looked at it again I saw myself. I clicked on the link and started to read the news in The Sydney Morning Herald of me talking about business.

Please enjoy reading about me and Liger school. 

Mondulkiri Campaign with World Renew

I had an amazing opportunity to join the World Renewed campaign in Mondulkiri. World Renew is the living justice loving mercy serving Christ. It was three days workshop with around 60 participants came from four different provinces and Liger students. The first day of the workshop we discussed all amazing works we helped to improve Cambodia so far. For Liger students we listed a ton of things we did from the past, for example, Journeys of Change bike tour experience, the Rabies mission, the drug workshop etc. On the same day, we learned about Primary Nutrition because a lot of Cambodian don’t know about the food nutrition that helps their health and also the babies. What I learned from that day is that it is important that mother eat healthy food when they are pregnant, because it could affect the child life when they born or when they grow up. The second day we learned about democracy leadership. There are three democracy leadership: autocratic, laissez-faire, and democracy. We also learned about immigration in Cambodia. A lot of people moved from Cambodia to another country for so many reasons. Some people immigrate to another country to find jobs, to continues studies, war, and family issue etc. The third was lead by Liger Leadership Academy students. My team was leading on drugs. Our workshop had 8 people, 4 from Liger and 4 is our partner, the World Renew students. The students that involved they have so much fun and learned a lot from each of our activities. I knew they learned a lot because when I ask them questions they answer very well, and when they worked in teams they shared ideas and very competitive. The workshop we did was similar to the workshop that happened in the four provinces we did so far. The only differences were we added game and we let the students create their own performance in groups about drugs to show to everyone. In the afternoon the workshop leads by Liger students as well,  about AIDS and HIV. Overall, I learned a lot and get to know more people. Most importantly, I want everyone joined the workshop to take everything they learned and share it with their village to make positive changes.

Photos coming soon. 

Drugs in Cambodia

The amount of people using drugs in Cambodia is increasing rapidly. There are many different types of drugs: Opium, Marijuana, Cocaine, Heroin, and Methamphetamine. The common drug in Cambodia is Methamphetamine. I went to National Authority Combating Drugs he stated, “In 2000 the total of people that used drug was around 500 people, in 2017 there were 20, 000 people. We need to take that number multiply by 5 because those people spread and share the drugs to other.”

This is a huge problem in Cambodia, as a change agent, we (Liger students) have to do something. So my Exploration there are eight people. This Exploration is the first exploration that speaks Khmer only and worked with 8 World Renew students from different four provinces (Kampot, Svay Rieng, Kampong Speu and Prey Veng). World Renew is an organization that’s trying to combat drug as well. Our Exploration goal is to focus on promoting drug awareness and intervention.

Basically, the World Renew students came to Liger Leadership Academy school. First, they came to our school for the whole day to know each other, we shared what we learned about drugs to them, and create the plan for the workshop that happened in the four provinces. Then, World Renew students came to live in our school for the whole week to create the workshop.

They went to National Authority Combating Drug and Drug Addict Relief Association of Cambodia with us to learn about drugs so they can share that information during the workshop. Our main goal when we worked with them is to partner with them to run the workshop, simultaneously, to teach how to be a leader. All of them learned in government schools, which the program they learned is completely different from us. They never lead and do workshops before. So we wanted to guide them how to run the workshop and how to lead other people. After we do the workshop with them, all of them can lead the workshop by themselves without our help. We also taught them a little bit of how to use Computer, Camera, most importantly, we created educated short film about drugs with them as well.  

Out of the four provinces workshops I went to Kampong Speu province. We told World Wenew people to find location and tell people to come to the workshop. During the workshop we wanted them to have fun, everyone share their ideas, and most importantly, we wanted them to learn about drugs so they share with their friends and families. In our workshops, we divided them into four groups, the four group needed to compete each other to find the winner to get the prize. We have four activities so they can rotate. The four activities are types & effects of drug, drugs trafficking in Cambodia, Reason people use drug & preventions, and symptoms and impact of using drugs.All of these four activities we tried to find games to make everyone participate and have fun.  After the four activities we showed them our video, then close the event and give prizes to the winning team. In Kompong Speu we did 2 days of workshops and showed the video at night. Both workshops happened in two different pagodas. The first days of the workshop the participant age range were from 15 – 70 years old. There were about 80 participates. The four teams are competitive, share ideas, and it looked like they had so much fun. The second day of the workshop there were about 100 students participate, they were in grade 7 to grade 12. There were about 10 elders.

We wanted to show our short film about drugs to the whole village so we went to each house of the villagers to come to watch our film at night. We choose to show the film at night because want everyone to come. One of our strategies was that first, we showed Cambodia famous ghost movie to catch more people attention to come then we showed them our drug educated film. They liked to watch our educated film because the film mostly the world renew people were in it. So the World Renew people were all of their friends and neighbors.    

I hope world renew people take what we taught them and can create and lead their own workshop that is fun and people learn something from them.

Anyway, our workshop was successful. I believe all participants learned a lot about drugs and they will share the information with their friends and families. Moreover, we requested the posters from the ministry and they gave it to us, so we put the poster in the village (in front of villagers houses).


Vagabond Temple Yoga & Meditation Retreat

On the 11, January 2018 I went to Kep for three days to do join the Vagabond Temple Yoga & Meditation Retreat. All of the classes I took the yoga and meditation I have only one word to describe is a “WOW”. The yoga class taught me to take care of my body, love the body that nature gives me and say thanks to our legs, arms, etc for all of the hard work to build and support who I am today. The main topic for the meditation class is mindfulness. I learned that mindfulness is all about to open our heart to the world. The teacher told the class to sit in the lotus seat and close our eyes. Then fulfill our heart with love and share it with every single thing in this world. This is one way to let our brain and heart in peace; meditation made me feel super fresh and released all of the mess in my brain. During the yoga class, I made a lot of new friends. They are very friendly and I had the chance to talk to them and share my experiences. This opportunity inspired me to research more about yoga because during I saw only 5 men and about 20 women in the yoga class. I had the question that keeps in my mind why fewer men are practicing yoga?

Sea Festival at Kampot

What a great experience I had? On the 23, December 2017 I went to Kep to join the sea festival. During the sea festival, there are a lot of sports that attend, one of them is Frisbee. I am one of the members of the frisbee team. The SWA ultimate frisbee team asked the government for frisbee to attend to be one of the sport at the sea festival. This is the way we can promote frisbee to Cambodian because most of them don’t know what is frisbee. The impressive moment when I played the game is that when there are a lot of people watching us. Moreover, frisbee got into Khmer news in TV during the sea festival. There were one of the moments which is the best moment when I was practicing frisbee there were so many people came and asked us to join and want to try throwing frisbee. Most people it is a new sport, they never have seen before. I had so much fun and got a lot of new experiences during the game from my teammates. My team won the first place but I would like to say congratulation to everyone that attend this event. Most people done amazing job and most of them this is their first time to play frisbee on the beach.


The Power of Sports


I play a lot of sports since I was 10 years old. The sports are swimming, badminton, frisbee, football, biking and running. As what I see including what the world see, in the past women don’t opportunity or rights to play sports. People don’t have value to women in getting into sports. Especially, the women in Cambodia they have to stay at home to take care of their beauty, walk in the gentle way, prepare to become a wife. Right now women try to get up to emerge more into the world simultaneously, try to get an education. Most of the women want to get into sports but most people in Cambodia don’t give value to women, women do no use to sports because of our past culture and they feel afraid to get into sports. Women kind of follow each other if their friends play sports they want to play too and it hard to start something different and new. Sadly, there are not much girls fight for sports. Currently, I am so proud to be one of the women that play sports in Cambodia. Sport change my life to be a stronger person and can overcome the fear. This is because sport most sport is competitive, find new strategies, meet new people, made new friends and learn new strategy from others. Before I get into sports I felt that I don’t want to be a girl. I saw other boys played ball and I can only sit to watch boy play. Liger Leadership Academy school give the opportunity for both boys and girls to play sports.

In October 2017 I went to Vietnam to play the spirit frisbee competition. I am so happy to see many girls participate. One of my highlights is that most girls score the points during the games. I play for the team called Bee Force mixed team. I am so proud to be the part of the team to represent for Cambodian. Whenever I play sports it always pushes me to work harder because I want to show boys that girls can be even better than them. I am trying to encourage more girl to participate in sports. I hope these will help everyone to give more opportunity for girls to play more sport.

  • Spirit game with other teams in Vietnam.