Liger Traveling Theater

Last year we bought other people play in order to create our own theater. This year we’re going to do something very different. We are going to write our own play, and act it out in the provinces. We’re going to travel to different places and show our play; this is why we called it Liger Traveling Theater. So far in this round, we write our own play. Our topic is about Critical Teen Issue (CTI), which relates to one of Liger Exploration. To make the topic more specific, the CTI teen is going to the workshop on the Teen Healthy Relationship. This topic divided into four types of relationships, teens relationship with parent, partner, peer, and society. So we also divided into four groups as well, and for me, I’m working alone. My topic for the play is teens relationship with parents. We did so many exercises about writing the play as well in class but also spent our time writing the play. The play is going to be in Khmer.

I felt very joyful in this exploration because of writing play in one of passion. Whenever I write the play I felt like this is not the assignment from the teacher. I love writing script and put myself into different types of characters in the play.


Critical Teen Issue

I am now a teenager. Being a teenager we faced so many obstacle and problems. This is neutral everyone must face these difficulties at least once in their lifetime. So I am one of the members in Critical Teen Issue. We discuss all together to find out problems that most teenagers faced currently. So for this term, our topic is “Healthy Teen Relationship”. In class, we learned about how the teen brain transforms relationship. We understand that it’s normal for us to feel emotional, and rebelling against something. It’s all about the evolution of life.

Basically, what we learned and the activities we did in class this term. We break down this topic into four categories: teens relationship between partner, peer, parent, and society. This term we planned the workshop for teenagers. After our Pchum Ben break, which we will start round two of the exploration. We will also start our workshop, with Liger students and then with teenagers from different places. During the workshop, we are not going to hurt anyone, but we are going to have a lot of discussions and ask questions.

Khmer Literature

For this round in Khmer class, we focus on poems. We published our own poetry book. Last year, all the seniors wrote their own poems. So this year we want to gather all the poems and publish a book. In total, I got two poems, and be apart of the book publisher I helped to write the outline for each poem, and edit the Khmer writing. So we tried to finish our first draft, in order to bring our book to Khmer Literature Festival. Finally, we did it. We publish about 50 books, so we can sell and give out some to authors that participate in the festival. The book grammar and spelling weren’t perfect yet, but we tried our best to edit it after the festival.


So this is one of my poems.


អំពើហិង្សាក្នុងគ្រួសារ                              ផ្តល់នូវបញ្ហាចិត្តនិងកាយ

លែងលះគ្នាហើយអាងសោកស្តាយ        កូនរស់អត់ម្តាយអត់ឪពុក។

អំពើហិង្សាក្នុងសាលា                                ព្រោះរឿងស្នេហាកើតជាទុក្ខ

បណ្តាលឪ្យខូចអនាគត                            ជីវិតរលត់គ្មានខ្លឹមសារ។

អំពើហិង្សាក្នុងសង្គម                                 ជាតិមិនជួបជុំនាំបញ្ហា

ធ្លាក់ចុះសេដ្ឋកិច្ចនិងទីផ្សារ                       ខាតទាំងកិច្ចការផ្តល់ប្រយោជន៍។

អំពើហិង្សាលើផ្លូវចិត្ត                                 ពាក្យតែងតែផ្តិតឲ្យហិនហោច

ជេរប្រមាថដៀមដាមចិត្តខ្លោច              ប្រៀបដូចជាខ្មោចស្លាប់ចិន្តា។

អំពើហិង្សាលើផ្លូវកាយ                              រូបល្អប្រែក្លាយជាំកាយា

បាក់ដែបាក់ជើងឈាមបែកក្បាល         ដល់ក្ស័យសង្ខារនឹកស្តាយក្រោយ។

អំពើហិង្សាលើកុមារ                                   ចិត្តមិនខ្លាំងក្លាកម្លាំងខ្សោយ

ហៅរកអ្នកជួយគ្មានចម្លើយ                    សុំអ្នកម្តាយឆ្លើយជួយរូបកូន។

អំពើហិង្សាលើស្រ្តី                                       ជីវិតគ្មានន័យចំណុចសូូន្យ

ឈឺចិត្តឈឺកាយធ្ងន់ដូចក្បូន                  បន់ឲ្យបងប្អូនជួយដោះស្រាយ។

អំពើហិង្សាព្រោះក្រីក្រ                              ម្ហូបមានតែស្ករជាមួយបាយ

ចិត្តឆេះដូចភ្លើងក្តៅក្រហាយ                ធ្វើបាបអ្នកម្តាយដែលទ្រាំអត់។

អំពើហិង្សាព្រោះគ្រឿងស្រា                    បង្កើតបញ្ហាយ៉ាងជូរចត់

វាយប្រពន្ធកូនដល់កំសត់                     ស្ទើរស្លាប់ព្រោះហត់សម្ងំយំ។

ប្រឆាំងនិងអំពើហិង្សា                           គួរចូលសាលាទៅអប់រំ

គ្រួសាររស់នៅដោយជួបជុំ                     ដើម្បីសង្គមអភិវឌ្ឍន៍។

English Version 

Violence in the family gives mental and physical issues. Some families get divorce and regret later. Kids lost their parent (Mom and Dad).


Violence in schools because of the conflict of love. This is the way to destroy our future.


Violence in our own society makes the country breaks apart. Decrease economic and waste our time can’t do works that are important.


Violence affects mental health because people words can break our heart.


Violence physically, get injuries. Break the leg, break the arm, break the head some people can die.


Violence against children and women, make them feel frightened.


Violence because don’t have money. Children angry their parent because want to buy fancy supplies.


Violence because of drinking beer, torture their own kids and wife.


We all should fight against violence, need to go to school get an education to have a happy family and develop the economy.



First Flame Lab Test

When my facilitator asked, “Do you like chemistry?” I replied honestly “No. I don’t like it.” But my thought changed in a week after I learned chemistry. It’s not boring at all. One of the activities I love the most in chemistry was doing labs. One of the labs is called the “”Flame Test Lab”.

This is the introduction of the lab.

Flame tests provide a way to qualitatively test for the presence of specific elements by seeing colored flames. The color we see is a combination of the visible wavelengths of light emitted by the atoms. Each element has a different “pattern” of electrons so it will show a different combination of colors.  

In this lab performed flame tests on seven different elements. You tried to observed to identify an unknown solution.  

I have so much fun seeing the flame color that changes because of different chloride solutions. My group, we took a turn to test the flame, and while we did our experiment we write down results and observation. Based on our experiment we found out the unknown chloride is Lithium.

The Rent Collector Reflection and Poetry

The first term of the year I got a great opportunity to join the Liger Literacy Leadership team as my essential. This team is very special because we are the leader, we lead our own learning. Our teacher, Cara, just help to facilitate and sometimes she helps to demonstrate. For instance, we lead our own book discussion and we create our own literacy spoken words. The main theme in this round is “Literature is Everywhere”. We read the book called The Rent Collector, which talked about a survival family that lived in the dump in Cambodia. It is 50% fictionalized and 50% based on true story. One of The authors of the Rent Collector goals wants the reader to get inspire in Literature. This is one reason why we read this book. This is my reflection of the first five chapter when I read the book.

Sadness, happiness, darkness, kindness, and illness are all happening at the same time while I’m reading, The Rent Collector. This book touches my heart and my feelings are indescribable because this is the first book EVER that made me connect with every character. I’m able to imagine the trials each character faces. Moreover, all of the quotes from this book that I read so far are meaningful and empowering. For instance, when Sang Ly is speaking about her clock, she says, “Sometimes broken things deserve to be repaired.” Literally, it means the clock broke nevertheless we can fix it no matter what. The figurative meaning refers to more than the clock, she is referring to more than the clock. In my opinion, the author wants to communicate the theme of second chances to the reader. Even though you lose hope in life or your plan doesn’t work the way you want it to be, you always have another opportunity. Don’t limit yourself to only one path.


The grandfather’s role in the novel is related to this quote. He motivates her to find steps for success even though she is enduring pain. Sang Ly walked through a difficult path with pain. As the quote in chapter two said “Crafting a plan is easy. Taking action will always prove to be the more difficult path.” It made me think that it’s normal to face a challenge and difficult situations. Sang Ly lives in the trash dump so there are many fears she has to confront every day. Her son, Nisay, has an illness she can’t find any solution to cure him yet. The gangsters at the dumb always try to attack her husband. She has to pay the Rent Collector every month to live at the dump. Her whole family is uneducated, she needs to find a way to learn Khmer literacy. In order for her son to have a better future. Most importantly, Sang Ly and her husband find money one day can only effort for a day. Anyway, even though they live in the dump they have the blissfulness, and the warmest family ever!

A part of that we wrote our own poems, those poems were inspired by the Rent Collector book. We learn to write different types of poems. Here are my poems.


I wrote this poem from the perspective of Sang Ly (the main character in the Rent Collector). This poem was inspired by Sang Ly. The style of this poem is called found poetry. Here are the four strategies we can use for found poetry. Strategy number one choose words and phrases completely at random from the text and then piece them together in poetic form. Strategy number two choose a character perspective and “find” their words from the book. Strategy number three choose a chapter that you enjoyed and want to focus on. Strategy number four get inspired by a certain format, structure, phrase like the examples from Alexander. For my poem, I used strategy number one.


The Power of Literature


I live in the dump. I look like the dump. I smell like the dump. I feel like the dump.

But literature fades the thoughts of the dump inside of me.


I believe everything is literature.

I believe literature is everything.

I am one of them. I am literature.


My lives, my hopes, my desires, my despairs, my passions, my strengths, my weaknesses. I am literature.


Literature is art with words.


I believe words are powerful.

Words have started and stopped wars.

Words have builded and lost fortunes.

Words have saved and taken lives.

Words have won and lost great kingdoms.

Every word I utter should be chosen with care.

I use words to save my son’s life.

I use words to read.

I use words to communicate great advice.


Literature is art with stories.


Stories teach me to not give up hope.

Stories tell me that we need to endure all the trials.

Stories make me see a better tomorrow.

Stories make me realize life has second chances.


I have my own life story. The life in the dump teaches me to have hope and to not limit myself to only one path.


Literature is a cake with many toys baked inside.

Knowing everything about literature isn’t enough, I have to accept how to enjoy it.


I read with my head, interpret it with my heart.

Your heart is about the same size as your fist.

Everyone heart has different sizes.

Everyone has different emotions.

Everyone has different feelings.

Everyone has different memories.

Everyone has different experiences.

Everyone interprets literature differently.

This is why literature is unique.


Everyone is unique.

Everyone’s stories are unique.

I am unique.

The life and story in the dump is unique.

What about you? What are your unique stories?


The style of this peom is photography inspired poetry. This where we pick a photogragh and write the poem about it.  

Don’t say I’m lazy.

Everyday I wake up early.

To find my own destiny.

My life’s very busy.

But my kiddo’s life is foggy, smoky, hazy, and risky.

Digging, picking to find gold for a bowl of rice.


My life right now is in a vulnerable position.

I was raised with no education.

I can’t make any decisions.

My life depends on this smoky mountain.


You can’t laugh at me and call me dirty.

Because I’m not lazy.

I want to be who I am.

And fight for my life.

I don’t need your advice.

I will fight and make your sight  to me bright again.

I believe I will make my life flow.

By finding my own arrows, and make

An accurate and precise shot for my future.


Math – Unit Circle

In order to get a good score in math for the SAT we have to learn, practice, practice, and practice. The first day in math Jeff (our math teacher) asked us to note down all the section the students want to improve so he can fill in all the gaps for us in the next two months. Based on the majority most of us wants to work on the unit circles.

The equation itself it looked so scary. I think in my head “do I have to memorize all the equations? How can find all the angles in our head? Do we need to use a calculator?” All the questions were clear after I took a few lessons in one hour. It’s easy than it looked. I can’t say the unit circle is easy, but in order to feel confident, and to solve it quickly, I need to practice and most importantly I need to find my own strategies.

After I learned new strategies in class and practiced in Khan Academy, I’m able to draw my own unit circle of all the trigs values of special angles (90°, 45°, 30°, and 60°).

Check it out! My first unit circle.


How I Changed Cambodia (HICC) 2017-2018


Cambodia had unique lifestyle, amazing culture and unbelievable history (suffered and achievements). I want to share the stories of my country to tourists so they will leave Cambodia with notable stories and remarkable memories.  As a change agent, I do not wait for anyone to start, I am the one that starts to initiate the change in this developing country at the age of 15. These are my journeys in 2018: my team created a bike tour experience, conducted drugs prevention workshop, and Frisbee training project.  

This is the world of sharing; I contribute my knowledge because I believe in this sagacious quote, “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle” by Father James Keller.  

Cambodian culture had faded, sophisticated people were killed, the capital city was known as the ghost-city; this occurred because Cambodian were under manipulated and indoctrinated by the Khmer Rouge. The consequences made Cambodian economy and society broke down into pieces. Even though Cambodia is rapidly developed, but many flawed is everywhere.

Cambodia’s educated people had diminished day by day during the Khmer Rouge. Education system had been faded, but the Khmer Rouge got destroyed in 1979. Cambodia education system was slowly raised up. As an example, at Liger Leadership Academy are project-based-learning that involve student immersion in real-world experiences outside of the classroom called “Exploration”. Bike tour experience was one of Exploration; we started the bike tour experience called “Journeys of Change.” The idea of Journeys of Change is to learn how to establish a business, support local economies, train students about responsible tourism, provide cross-cultural experiences, and gain funds for the students’ future learning.  We’ve been through challenges, but our team overcomes everything that refrains us to make this bike tour successful. We try to make Cambodia become a better place.

As always, Liger students will find the flaws in Cambodia and try to prevent and make Cambodia a better place. We found out that drugs are one of the salient issues in Cambodia. The number of people uses drugs increase rapidly since 2000 based on, National Authority Combating drugs. We had eight people in our team, the age of 15 and 16 years old commit to preventing the use of drugs in Cambodia. We worked with eight high school students from World Renew.

Why did we work with high school students from World Renew?

The government school curriculum is completely different from our school. They mostly listen to the teacher, read the textbook, rewrite everything from the textbook, and undergo the test. The programs repeat like this, again and again, every day. This is boring but they can’t skip school and can’t reform the programs. All of the students had to study for 12 years until the final one-day exam.   

It seems like they didn’t have any experience to explore the real world. It seems like they have no experience with technology.  

We worked with World Renew students because as always we want to spread our knowledge. Essentially, we made the educated video about drugs, simultaneously we involved everyone from world renew to be in the film. I believe that by including them in the film it introduces the students to incorporate new experience. Moreover, most of them were shy in the camera, so it ushered them to be braver. Additionally, we taught them how to use computer and camera. Most importantly, we planned the workshop about drugs. We designed the workshop with world renew students. Our goal is to let world renew students gain knowledge from us and be able to create their own workshop in the future.   

We were conducting the workshop in four provinces: Prey Veng, Svay Rieng, Kampot, and Kampong Speu. In total, there were about 750 people participate in our workshop. About 300 people came to watch our educated video about drugs at night. Everyone loved watching our educated video because they saw their friends. I loved seeing every smile during the workshop. I hope everyone distributes the information to their friends and families!         


I spread what I learned because I want people to share what they learned from me as well. Everything I learned is from my experiences and opportunities I get from Liger Leadership Academy. I traveled to Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam for Frisbee competition. The question is: why am I so lucky to receive these opportunities? This is because the influence I got from my ecology facilitator. She introduced me the flat object that flies off her hands. I was so shocked and said, “It’s impossible!” I started throwing for years and I love it. The disc became my closest friend. This year my frisbee skills have been flourishing; I learned a lot from other frisbee players and coaches. I appreciate the sponsorships I got from Liger Leadership Academy and other sponsors. I need to give back my knowledge to other young Cambodian. They knew nothing about frisbee just like me 4 years ago. I want them to experience this modern sport that most Cambodian don’t know about it. My initial move is to introduce the training to the Camkids students in Kampong Speu province. Most importantly, we can offer them the opportunity to come to Phnom Penh (capital city) to train with us. Moreover, most of the kids never came to Phnom Penh before. I never feel that it is a waste of my time because I enjoy seeing their smile and the confidence when they threw the Frisbee.

It is meaningful to allocate our knowledge. As a change agent, it does matter because I believe in one quote from “Chinese proverb”: “You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime.” Also by sharing my knowledge and being a change agent, I had grown so much. I had grown to be more mature. I improved my public speaking. I gain more knowledge from everyone because knowledge is everywhere. I learned to confront all of my problems. Most importantly, I improve leadership skills! As a change agent, I will keep illuminating another candle. The knowledge I gain from my facilitators and friends I will try to spread to other as well. I want to make change in this country! I am the future of Cambodia!



Five years ago I saw my teacher threw the disc and it flew smoothly. But once I tried to throw, it flew like a wave. I said to myself “What is this thing? I can’t do it.” My teacher introduces it to me. I practiced a lot and I can see my improvement! That day I started to feel the passion of frisbee. I started to involve in many frisbee opportunities. I traveled a lot the past few years to compete Frisbee for my country. I went abroad to Philippine, Vietnam, and Malaysia. These opportunities I got from my couches and my school (Liger Leadership Academy). They give us the full scholarship to go abroad! The girls that went with me to play in foreign countries we really appreciate the opportunities.

As Liger students we got the opportunities so we want to give back. In Cambodia, only a few people know about Frisbee. Frisbee is the new sport in Cambodia to almost everyone. Camkids is the school in the rural area in Kampong Speu. Our girls made plans to do the Frisbee training at Camkids.

We spent our Sunday on the 6th June 2018, we went to Camkids to do the Frisbee training for 12 years old and higher kids. We taught them how to throw, strategies, how to play, most importantly we want them to enjoy the training. There are around 60 students came to the training. It is my pleasure to be apart of the this. I observe that everyone have so much fun and improve so much with their throws.

During the training, we had made mistakes and sometimes it was a bit unorganized. It is hard to lead 60 students since it is our first time, most importantly there is no adult to help us. We will take all of the mistakes and problems we had last time and improve the next time we go. We plan to do the training again next week. My frisbee team Bee-Force also wanted to select some of the girls from Camkids to join our team, and approximately, next time maybe some of them can go to play abroad with us.

Greece and Rome

Round four of my essential I learned about Greece and Rome. This is my research paper answer this question. “Describe how Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome contributed to the modern world today in the areas of medicine, architecture, entertainment, and/or government. ” We do this assignment to improve the writing, research skills, and to gain knowledge about Rome and Greece civilization compares to current society. 


Ancient Rome grew from the small town on the Tigris River and encompassed most of continental Europe, Britain, much of western Asia, Northern Africa and the Mediterranean island. Ancient Greece is the birthplace of Western philosophy, literature, mathematics, history, drama, Olympics games, and democracy. The ancient civilizations of Rome and Greece were rich in culture and ideas. These two ancient civilizations made many contributions to the modern world especially in the areas of government, entertainment, and architecture.


The Ancient Rome created a code of laws that many nations still use today. Basic rules that the Romans developed to prevent a government from becoming too powerful was “people have right that no government can take away.” Another rule from Ancient Rome that modern world had today is that “judges must interpret the law and make the decision fairly.” Also to prevent someone from going to jail based on the rumor that he or she committed a crime “a person must be considered innocent until he or she is proven guilty”. The Ancient Greek city-state of Athens expected male citizens to help defend Athens in war. Pericles thought male citizens had an obligation to political participation. “We do not say that a man who takes no interest in politics is a man who minds his own business; we say that he has no business here at all.” It takes a different approach by recognizing that the precedent or tradition of male political participation was established along with the notion that women have no place in politics. The denial of women in politics is still a global issue today which demonstrates the lasting effect of these two civilizations.


The Ancient Greeks were the inventors of the Olympics. In document 2 it stated, “Ancient Greeks held athletic competitions every four years to honor their god.” The Olympic Games such as running, boxing, wrestling, cycling, chariot racing, etc. Some of the events in Olympics that the Ancient Greeks performed are still appear today. In the modern world Olympics are famous all over the world. There are so many sports and a lot of participants in both genders. This is because Olympic contests in Ancient Greeks they encourage women to join. So modern world also allow women to compete. One difference between the two contests is that Ancient Greek women wore more covered clothes, but the modern world women can wear the clothes that show their skin like the sport shorts, swimming suits, sleeveless shirts, etc.  


Ancient Romans and Greeks designed and invented an architecture such as roads and buildings in the ways that made our live better. Ancient Roman roads strengthen the empire by used to move soldiers quickly from area to area. Trader used roads to sell goods and food throughout the empire. In document 4 mentioned, “Romans built about 50, 000 miles of roads across the empire.” To built the roads Ancient Roman used paving stones, pebbles and Gravel, drainage ditch, and foundation large stones and sand.  Romans invented concrete stronger than today. Currently, in this world, there are a lot of strong roads that easy to travel. The influence of Ancient Roman, that roads have a lot of benefits to develop economy in the country. The materials that modern world used today similar to the materials that used during the Ancient Roman to make the roads strong. On the other hand, some of the structures used by the Ancient Greeks are still seen today in more modern buildings. The Ancient Greek architect contributions are temples, theatres, stadiums, and houses. We can compare the architectural styles to the famous buildings, for instance, the White House. Ancient Greek architecture accomplished highly formalized characteristics, both of structure and decoration.


In conclusion, ancient civilizations of Rome and Greece were strongly influence the modern world. If in the history didn’t have these two civilizations that contributed to the modern world, the architecture, entertainment (Olympic games),  government, culture, ideas are going to be completely different. The two civilizations contribute the modern world that makes the world better. These two civilizations have had on the modern world also impact our world. For instance, less women involve in politics and no women are fighting in war. Anyway, the Olympic games really inspired the world today, every country, nation, gender can participate to compete. These are only a part of the contribution from Ancient Greeks and Romans but there were so many more that help this world to improve and develop in positive direction.

Works Cited

“Ancient Greek Architecture.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 6 Apr. 2018,

Anonemuss. “9 Greek Influences and Contributions to Today’s Society.” Owlcation, Owlcation, 5 Apr. 2018,

“Greek Architecture.” Ancient History Encyclopedia,

“The Greek and Roman Influence over Modern America.” The Greek and Roman Influence over Modern America | Bartleby,

Reiner, Luke. “25 Facts about Ancient Greece ←FACTSlides→.” Ancient Greece Facts: 25 Facts about Ancient Greece ←FACTSlides→, FACTSlides, 11 Feb. 2018,

Wiltjer, Lucas. “Influence of Greek and Roman Societies on the Modern World.”, 24 May 2013,

Wiltjer, Lucas. “Influence of Greek and Roman Societies on the Modern World.”, 24 May 2013,

Greek Mythology

In literacy, we learned about Greek mythology. In Greek, there are a lot of beliefs of god and goddess.  So I researched about Poseidon one of the powerful gods. ENJOY!


Poseidon was one of the major deities of Greek mythology. The Ancient Romans name for Poseidon was Neptune. He was known as the god of the sea. He was also the god of earthquakes, storms, horses, rivers, winds, floods, oceans, and drought. He was the immortal ruler of the seas. He was able to manipulate water, storms, and lightings. This powerful god could create strong waves, violent storms to bring the rage of the ocean upon those who angered him. Poseidon possessed a trident to shake the earth, called “Earth Shaker”. Poseidon had a palace underwater as his watery domain, made of gems and corals, located on the ocean floor. He was at Mount Olympus more often than his palace.


Cronus, the leader of the Titans, also, the father of the Olympians, and Rhea known as the mother of gods, they were Poseidon’s parent. He had 2 brothers and two sisters named, Zeus, Hades, Demeter, Hestia, and Hera. He and his two brothers, Zeus and Hades, divided up creation. Zeus became ruler of the sky, Hades, the god of the underworld, and Poseidon was given all water (both salt and fresh). Poseidon married to Amphitrite (ancient sea-goddess). These were Poseidon lovers: Aphrodite, Demeter, and various others. Basically, Poseidon had over 100 lovers and over 500 children. His main children were Theseus, Triton, Polyphemus, Belus, Agenor, Neleus, Atlas. Most of Poseidon children were powerful gods and became heroes.


By his birth, Poseidon and other siblings were eaten by Cronus which was his father. Except for Zeus who was saved by his mother, Rhea. A few years after, Zeus came back and gave Cronus the poison drink. Cronus vomited up all of his children. Poseidon was raised by the Telchines. Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades have had war against Cronus and the other Titans. The war lasted for ten years. The three brothers helped to release the Cyclopes (served as builders) from Mother Earth. Cyclopes paid back with gratitude to the three brothers. Poseidon received a trident, Zeus received a thunderbolt, and Hades received a helmet of darkness from Cyclopes. They used all of these weapons to defeat their father and Titans. So then the three brothers became the rulers of the existing world.


Poseidon had green-sea eyes, his hair and beard were wavy browns. Poseidon is often depicted as a mature, muscular and bearded man. He would shatter things and his eyes change to storm grey when he got angry or upset. His sacred animals were horse, Dolphin, Bull, and fish. He typically was shown holding his powerful three-pronged spear called a trident (his symbol of power) and sometimes accompanied by dolphins. His powerful trident could create water sources everywhere in Greece and the horse. The trident can also caused earthquakes, and used to stir up tidal waves, tsunamis and sea storms. The horse was also a common symbol of Poseidon. He created many different kinds of horses: Pegasi, Unicorns and, hippocampuses. Sometimes he was shown riding his chariot that pulls by hippocampus (the horse that had fishtail). Additionally, the bull was one of Poseidon symbols because Poseidon sent the bull to Minos, and then Minos liked it too much to sacrifice it. So Poseidon asked Aphrodite, the goddess of love, to make Minos’s queen, Pasiphae (queen of Crete), fall in love with the bull.


Poseidon was a very important god in many Greek cities. The Winter Solstice celebrations are for Poseidon. In Athens and other parts of ancient Greece, roughly December/January there is a month that they agreed to name it Poseideon for Poseidon. The Poseidonia of Aegina, happen the same month as Winter Solstice, it lasts for 16 days. A festival held every year in Aegina for high respect of Poseidon. It seems to have been celebrated by all the people live on the island. There was a festival every five years at Sunium in honor of Poseidon as well. Also, animal offerings to Poseidon were a common feature at the feast days. Another festival for Poseidon held every two years it was called the Isthmian games, it was the second most important Olympics in Ancient Greece. Corinth chose Poseidon, lord of the sea, as their city-state patron god because they are located on the sea and depend on the ocean. So the sailors gave the offering to Poseidon like food or fish hook to keep the waters calm and make Poseidon happy. Otherwise, he will devastate the world by causing earthquake or flood.


One of the most important myths was involving the god Poseidon when Apollo offended Zeus. Zeus sent them to the king of Troy, Laomedon. Laomedon said he will give a great gift if they build the Trojan walls. Apollo was in charge of King Laomedon’s livestock, Poseidon was tasked with building up the walls of Troy. Poseidon decided to help to build the wall of city Troy. After the two gods had constructed the city (huge walls around the city), Laomedon’s greed caused him to refuse to fulfill the payments to the gods. This action made Poseidon very upset and his furious feelings to attack back to Laomedon that tricked him. Poseidon created a sea monster that caused trouble to Trojans. Another important myth of Poseidon was Cecrops had to find a patron deity for the city state of Athens. Poseidon and Athena (goddess of wisdom) decided to battle for Athens. Cecrops he asked each of them to give a valuable gift for Athens. Poseidon struck the earth with his trident. He created the water well, but it was salty and not useful. Athena stuck her spear into the ground and planted an olive branch which is the symbol of peace. Cecrops choose Athena to patron the city of Athens. Poseidon was extremely angry with Cencrop’s decision and cursed the city of Athens to never have enough water. It became the major problem of water shortage in Athens.


Poseidon is the Greek word for ‘husband’. In Greek mythology, the sea god Poseidon was one of the most lascivious of the gods, producing more offspring than other randy gods. However, Poseidon was a very creative god, he designed all of the earth sea creatures. His emotional fluctuations often resulted in violence. His biggest weakness was to manipulate his feeling, Poseidon was very moody, unpredictable, and very bold. As I mentioned above, Poseidon was the Greek  ‘God of the Sea’, and the god of earthquakes, horses, and storms, and as well as one of the 12 of the gods at Mount Olympus. Poseidon had a lot of powers included the ability to control the ocean, create storms, clear bad weather, and create earthquakes. There were statues of Poseidon in Gothenburg, Sweden, in Presov, Slovakia, in Bristol, England, and in Berlin, Germany. He ruled the seas and everyone would often pray to him on voyages at sea to keep them safe.


Works Cited


Becker, Derrick. “Poseidon’s Birth Story.”, 28 May 2013,

“Festival of Poseidon.” Pagan Calendar,

Gill, N.S. “Everything You Need to Know About Poseidon, The Greek God of the Sea.” ThoughtCo,

Gill, N.S. “Greek Winter Solstice Celebration in Honor of Poseidon.” ThoughtCo,

Gill, N.S. “Greek Winter Solstice Celebration in Honor of Poseidon.” ThoughtCo,

Gill, N.S. “Greek Winter Solstice Celebration in Honor of Poseidon.” ThoughtCo,

“King Laomedon in Greek Mythology.” Greek Legends and Myths,

“Myth Man’s Poseidon, God of the Seas.” Olympian Gods,

O'Reilly, Rachel. “Poseidon- God of the Sea.”, 28 Jan. 2013,

O'Reilly, Rachel. “Poseidon- God of the Sea.”, 28 Jan. 2013,

“POSEIDON – Greek God of the Sea & Earthquakes.” Theoi Greek Mythology,

“Poseidon.” Myths Encyclopedia,

“Poseidon.” Myths Encyclopedia,

“Poseidon • Facts and Information on Greek God Poseidon.” Greek Gods & Goddesses,

“Poseidon: Myths.” Greek Mythology: Poseidon,

Reese, Robert James. “A History of Poseidon.”,

Wigington, Patti. “Poseidon, Greek God of the Sea.” ThoughtCo,